Embalming : Reviewing Purpose and Procedures

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CIEA Course 3024  “Embalming Review Course”


1). The embalming process is an attempt at achieving:

a. Dry clean skin                                                     b. primary mummification

c. disinfection, preservation and restoration           d. none of these


2). The embalmer’s main objective in closing the incision properly is create a clean dry area.

a. True      b. False


3). The femoral artery should never be used as a primary injection point.

a. True      b. False


4). It may be necessary to treat areas of the body receiving poor circulation with an external topical treatment

a. True      b. False


5). Infants cannot be embalmed like adult human bodies at all.

a. True      b. False


6). The posture or positioning of the head in normal embalming cases is best to do before the internal injection of chemicals.

a. True      b. False


7). The selection of an artery for a primary point of injection is usually based on  

a. the age of the deceased        b. the size and location of the artery

c. cause of death                       d. none of these


8). Injection pressure is how much force is used to inject the embalming chemicals into the human remains.

a. True      b. False


9). Areas receiving poor circulation can usually be determined by visual observation and/or touch.

a. True      b. False


10). The rate of flow is how fast the blood exits from the body.

a. True      b. False


11). a skilled embalmer in recognizing potential vascular issues can use intermittent restrictions to enhance circulation and                                       

a. the rate of flow           b. injection pressure

c. odor elimination         d. none of these


12). The three indicators that will help determine if thorough embalming is taking place are:

a. skin color,vessel distension,tissue firmness       b. pressure, rate of flow, aspiration

c. solution, pressure and the canula                       d. none of these


13). In many cases of normal or larger adult bodies, it may be advisable to inject two complete bottles of cavity fluid – one into the abdominal area and one into the thoracic area.

a. True      b. False


14). The reason for aspirating the abdominal and thoracic regions of the body is to remove any excess fluids or gases, especially those produced by the human body itself.

a. True      b. False


15). When locating the right carotid artery, the incision should be made along the top curvature of the femur bone.

a. True      b. False


16). When handling a decomposed case, the entire surface of the body should also be covered with a formaldehyde base gel and a generous amount of preservative embalming powder.

a. True      b. False


17). After the embalming operation is completed, the body should then be thoroughly bathed externally with a disinfecting soap.

a. True      b. False


18). Most autopsy cases are indicative by an “X” shaped incision extending over the abdominal and thoracic regions.

a. True      b. False


19). A trocar that has a barrel length extending from the navel to the lower neck region when laid on top of the body, should be adequate to sufficiently serve in the aspiration process.

a. True      b. False


20). How embalming continues on as a viable practice in the future will depend on how skillfully it is practiced and how effective the chemistry and technology used are.

a. True      b. False


21). The ideal overall position of the entire body is to perceive a straight line extending from the top of the head down through the center of the chest and groin and ending at the inside of both heels of the foot as they touch together.   

a. True      b. False


22). One aspiration technique is to regularly push in and pull out from the point of insertion creating a fan shaped pattern with the trocar throughout the interior of the abdominal and the thoracic region of the body. 

a. True      b. False


23). Each vessel that is raised for injection or drainage should have a ligature placed around them.

a. True      b. False


24). When injecting the body with the embalming chemical solution it is usually a good technique to stop the injection every three or four gallons and evaluate what progress is being made.

a. True      b. False


25). Most embalming standards call for a minimum of one gallon of embalming chemical solution for every 40-50 lbs. of body weight.

a. True      b. False



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P.O. Box 750491 Dayton, Ohio 45475-0491