Preparation Room Management

Please print and take this examination to receive your certification in Preparation Room Management.


Preparation Room Management   

CIEA Course # 3004


1). It is important to make sure that the preparation room is uniquely isolated and independent area of the funeral home facility.

a). TRUE    b).  FALSE


2). The general public should be able to find the funeral home’s preparation room easily.

a). TRUE     b). FALSE


3). Buffer zones around outside doors to the preparation room are generally not necessary.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


4). The preparation room should independent from the rest of the funeral home.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


5). Instruments for the embalming operation should be as close to the embalmer as possible.

a). TRUE     b). FALSE


6). Drapes or curtains do not absorb odors fumes or microorganisms.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


7). Other inputs may include the fumes from the various chemicals and cosmetics used in the preparation room.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


8). If you’re not using the preparation room, you don’t need to clean it.

a). TRUE     b). FALSE


9). Good Maintenance requires a regular inspection of the equipment used in the preparation room.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


10). Doors and woodwork should either be painted with a flat paint or finished with a gloss varnish or polyurethane.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


11). All containers that hold any type of supplies should be properly labeled

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


12). A preparation room should always have a minimum of a year’s inventory of supplies.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


13). The doors in and out of the preparation room should be situated so that the general public will not easy access to them.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


14). The drench shower and eyewash station should also be installed at or very near the same location as the embalming machine and aspirating devices.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


15). Preparation room equipment should be checked at a minimum of every two months.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


16). Microorganisms cannot survive in very extreme temperatures or in strong chemical detergents.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



17). For smaller and more compact supplies many funeral homes will utilize cardboard boxes.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



18). The vast majority of all chemical spills or unexpected mis-haps will take place within six feet of the area consisting of the embalming chemical machine.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


19). Preparation room mops, brooms, sponges, towels or other cleaning paraphernalia should never be shared with the rest of the funeral home.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE


20). Every cabinet and/or shelf should be properly and legibly labeled indicating what is to be stored in that specific area.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



21). Window tinting film does not completely impair vision from the outside of the funeral home.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



22). The amount of maintenance needed to maintain the room adequately is often based on the frequency in which the preparation room is used.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



23). When a funeral home’s preparation room is organized properly, more time will be needed to be spent in the preparation room and better safety will be experienced during its use.

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



24). After the operation is complete, and the instruments have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected they may be placed back in their proper places for storage.       

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



25). If one of the preparation room  doors is an outside door, it should be locked at all times, when not in use by funeral home employees..

a).TRUE   b).  FALSE



NAME _________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________

CITY ________________ STATE __________

ZIP ________ PHONE(   )_______________

Funeral Director License # ___________

Embalmer License # __________

Soc. Sec. # __________________________


I have read the provided materials and have personally answered the questions on this examination.



Signature                                                                              Date


Please return the examination only to:


Central Institute for Education Advancement

P.O. Box 750491

Dayton, Ohio 45475-0491






P.O. Box 750491    Dayton, Ohio   45475