Church Administration



Shelterglen University
School of Theology

1). Church administrators work hand in hand with the ______________ leaders of the specific congregation to make sure that the tangible property and people involved in maintaining and operating that property are functioning _____________ to the best of it’s ability.


2). The effective church administrator should have an adequate _________________of each staff members_______ description.


3). Thorough and direct communication is totally ____________ to make sure all ____________ of the scheduling process compliment the various_______________ and activities of the congregation.


4). Computer programs, sometimes referred to as _____________, are geared specifically to create, procure, produce and support other ________________.


5). Understanding when ___________________ for certain tasks should be __________________ to qualified staff and church members is key to running a smooth operation


6). It is __________________ to know the precise budgetary __________________ of the specific project in question and stay within those boundaries.


7). This vast interconnection of _________________ all around the world is sometimes referred to as the ________ wide web (www).


8). Even though the job of the church administrator will tend to be more in the realm of the _______________ and _____________ aspects, it is still important to ______________ Jesus Christ in ________ that you do.


9). The church administrator is a _________________ for not only the local church by which he or she is employed or serving in, but also for ___________    ____________ and all of the Kingdom of _________.


10). The church administrator must be fully ____________ of specific rank and order and know to whom he or she is __________________ to and _____________________ for.


11).  Being polite and courteous in the spirit of Christian living should be the standard of communication and actions



12). Showing a balance of firmness and grace will help the church administrator control the necessary people working for the church



13). When additional costs arise and surplus expenditures need to be made, the financial administrator should just write the check.



14). The best results in the affairs and ministries of the local church are obtained when delegating and empowering others is done, instead of controlling and manipulating.



15). The job of the church administrator may be more in the realm of the tangible and physical aspects, it is still important to exercise control of the people.


Shelterglen University
P.O. Box 750491
Dayton, Ohio    45475