Shelterglen School of Theology

Associate Degree in Religion
Theological Studies
Biblical Studies
Ministerial Studies
Associate Degree in Religion

General Religious Studies


1). The main person revered in the protestant Christian faith is

a). Mohammed

b). The Pope

c). Jesus Christ

d). Abraham


2). The main person revered in the Roman Catholic tradition is

a). Mohammed

b). The Pope

c). Jesus Christ

d). Abraham


3). The main person revered in the Islam religion is

a). Mohammed

b). The Pope

c). Jesus Christ

d). Abraham


4). The main person revered in the Jewish religion is

a). Mohammed

b). The Pope

c). Jesus Christ

d). Abraham


5). Jewish people generally hold religious gatherings in

a). synagogues

b). temples

c). a church

d). a mosque


6). Muslims generally hold religious gatherings in

a). synagogues

b). temples

c). a church

d). a mosque


7). Roman Catholics general hold religious gatherings in

a). synagogues

b). temples

c). a church

d). a mosque


8). Judaism was developed in  

a). the continent of Africa

b). the middle eastern province of Judea 

c). Italy

d). east of the Jordan River 


9). Islam was developed in  

a). the continent of Africa

b). the middle eastern province of Judea 

c). Italy

d). east of the Jordan River 


10). Roman Catholicism was developed in  

a). the continent of Africa

b). the middle eastern province of Judea 

c). Italy

d). east of the Jordan River 


11). Eastern Orthodox have their geographic history in  

a). Rome

b). Constantinople  

c).  Jerusalem

d).  India


12). Jews have their geographic history in  

a). Rome

b). Constantinople  

c).  Jerusalem

d).  India


13). All Christians have their geographic history in  

a). Rome

b). Constantinople  

c).  Jerusalem

d).  India


14). Muslims make pilgrimages to this city.   

a). Rome

b). Constantinople  

c).  Athens

d).  Mecca


15). Buddhism originated in  

a). London

b). Constantinople  

c).  Jerusalem

d).  India


16). The largest religious population in the world is     

a).  Islam

b).  Christianity  

c).  Buddhism 

d).  Hindu


17).  Roman Catholics and Protestants are general considered to be 

a).  heretics by other Christians

b).  Christians 

c).  Gnostics

d).  politically incorrect


18).  Hindus practice    

a).  polytheism

b).  the worship of nature  

c).  medieval medicine 

d).  none of the above


19). Both Judaism and Islam have their lineage in the person of  

a).  Jesus Christ

b).  the Apostle Peter  

c).  King David

d).  Abraham


20). This animal is highly symbolic in Hinduism  

a).  Camel

b).  Sheep  

c).   Elephant

d).   Fish


Christian History


21). The first recorded leader of the Christian church in the Bible after Jesus was 

a).  James the Just 

b).  John the Beloved  

c).   Paul

d).   none of the above


22). These men were selected by Jesus preach the message of salvation     

a).   The Apostles 

b).   The Pharisees  

c).    The Gnostics 

d).    The Sadducees


23). In Acts 15 there was a gathering of

a).   the women of the church 

b).   the deacons   

c).   the Apostles

d).   none of the above


24). This group of people were called to be servants in the church. 

a).   the women of the church 

b).   the deacons   

c).   the children

d).  the bishops


25). The Apostle Paul’s mission was to promote 

a).   the message of salvation to the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem 

b).   the message of salvation to the Gentiles.     

c).   the other disciples and apostles

d).   the idea of forming a canon of scripture


26). The Apostle Paul traveled  

a).   to Southern Africa 

b).   to India and China before his death     

c).   across the Black Sea

d).   throughout Asia Minor, Greece and Macedonia


27). The Apostle Paul wrote only two letters to the church at Corinth. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


28). The last apostle to die was the Apostle John, the son of Zebedee. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


29). The first Gospel account to be written was probably Matthew.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


30). The Apostle Paul was beheaded outside of Jerusalem. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE      


31). The Apostle Peter was burnt at the stake in Rome. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


32). Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus in 70 AD.  

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


33).  Luke was the last Gospel account to be written.

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


34). The Apostolic Fathers were the closest connection to Jesus Christ after the Apostles died. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


35). Polycarp is considered as an Apostolic Father. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


36). The Council of Nicaea took place in 325 AD in Rome.

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


37). The New Testament canon was affirmed in 312 AD by Constantine the Great.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


3). Augustine is considered to be the premier church doctor. 

A8).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


39).  John Wycliff and Jan Haus were pre-reformation dissenters.

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


40). The Roman Church considered Martin Luther a heretic because he married a nun. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


41). John Calvin established what we now know as Wesleyan doctrine.  

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


Christian Church Theology 


42). All Christian Churches accept seven sacraments.  

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


43).  Jesus Christ is the focal point to all Christians.

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


44). Jesus taught us the doctrine of the Trinity.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


45). The Apostle Paul mentions the virgin birth of Jesus twice in his letters.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


46).  The Christian faith is rooted on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


47). Baptism is not considered necessary for salvation to all Christians.  

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


48). The accepted canon of Christian scripture contains 66 books.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


49). Eastern Orthodox traditions incorporate the use of icons in their Christian practice of faith.  

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


50). Christian Gnosticism is an acceptable variation of Christianity by most Christians. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


51).  Evangelism is the process by which the Christian faith perpetuates itself. 

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE     


52). Holy Communion involves

a).   the portrayal of the second coming 

b).   the bread and wine   

c).   the Apostolic commission

d).   none of the above


53). Eschatology involves an understanding 

a).   of the return of Jesus Christ 

b).   of the deacons   

c).   of the teachings of Jesus Christ

d).   of the writings of the Apostle Paul


54). Theology involves an understanding 

a).   of the return of Jesus Christ 

b).   of God’s nature, purpose and plans   

c).   of the Gospel

d).   of the writings of the Apostle Paul


55). Christology involves an understanding 

a).   of the return of Jesus Christ 

b).   of the Apostles   

c).   of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

d).  of sacred geological formations  


56). Pneumatology involves an understanding 

a).   of the Holy Spirit 

b).   of the Apostolic Fathers   

c).   of the teachings of Jesus Christ

d).   of the writings of the Apostle Paul


57).  Bibliology involves an understanding 

a).   of the Apostles 

b).   of the Deacons and Deaconesses   

c).   of the moral teachings of Jesus Christ

d).   none of the above


Draw lines connecting the correct words together


58). Eucharist                                  leadership


59). Apocrypha                                rejected


60). Bishop                                      thankful


61). Heresy                                      hidden works


62).  Christianity is exemplified in its followers in  

a).   their dedication to the Apostles 

b).   their moral lifestyle   

c).   their church attendance

d).   none of the above


63).  Christians are generally concerned with  

a).   adherence to the Scriptures 

b).   worshipping together     

c).   global missions and evangelism

d).   all of the above


64).  The four Gospels in the New Testament all tell the story of  

a).   Jesus turning the water into wine 

b).   the two rich young rulers   

c).   the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus

d).   none of the above


65).  Christians accept the Hebrew Scriptures as  

a).   the writings of the Apostolic Fathers 

b).   their Old Testament   

c).   both a & b  

d).   none of the above


66).  Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are considered by most Christians to be   

a).   acceptable variations of Christianity 

b).   marginal forms of Christianity   

c).   heretical forms of Christianity

d).   evolving forms of Christianity


67).  Christians believe that God is 

a).   our creator, redeemer and sustainer 

b).   only the creator of all ruling natural forces   

c).   an elemental form of pre-existent spiritual matter

d).   none of the above


68).  Most Christians believe that the Old Testament  

a).   is a book of myths 

b).   is a book of myths and good moral teachings    

c).   is a series of books that portray the history of God’s people

d).   none of the above


Draw lines connecting the correct words together


69). David                                  prophet


70). Abraham                            king


71). Moses                                  the law


72). Isaiah                                   patriarch


73).  Jesus Christ is one of three Christian deities.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


74).  Most Churches teach that the Holy Spirit lives in true Christians.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


75). Pentecostals are considered to be heretics by most Christian Churches.   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


76). Jesus Christ is considered by most Christians to be the living Word of God.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


77). The doctrine of Baptism is not found in the New Testament.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


78). The Christian moral lifestyle is taught in the book of James.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


79). The New Testament was originally written in Hebrew.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


80). Christianity is primarily composed of three main doctrinal groups.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


Terms & Definitions


81). Paganism is the worship of multiple gods or deities    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


81). Monotheism is the worship of the pagan god named Monotheris   

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


83). Gnosticism is the pursuit of relationship with God through a higher knowledge    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


84).  Agnosticism can best be described as   

a).   the irritant to Gnosticism 

b).   the worship of the God of the Old Testament   

c).   the belief that one cannot know God personally   

d).   none of the above


85).  A person’s “world view” is primarily composed by answering four questions regarding   

a).   our origin, purpose, morals and destiny 

b).   the Old Testament and the New Testament   

c).   Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses   

d).   God the Father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit and the Church


86).  Deism is a belief centered around God and  

a).   the animal kingdom 

b).   all of nature   

c).   other potential gods and godesses  

d).   none of the above


87).  A culture is the   

a).   grouping of several societies 

b).   blending of political ideals  

c).   environment in which something exists in  

d).   all of the above


88).  Morality is defined as   

a).  belief in the ten commandments  

b).  the practice of correct ethical duties     

c).  a person’s individual preference   

d).   none of the above


89).  Immoral ideals are generally    

a).   considered to be motivations for wrong thoughts and practices  

b).   considered to be motivations for correct thoughts and practices  

c).   considered to be the premise for all religious writings     

d).   none of the above


90).  Sensuality is defined as    

a).   the sexual act  

b).   an attraction to the conduct and worship of the flesh  

c).   a life practicing common sense     

d).   none of the above


91). Religion and philosophy are closely connected in theory.     

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


92). Religion is the practice of certain beliefs about powers greater than ourselves.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


93). Philosophy involves a process of seeking out answers.      

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


94).  Reincarnation is part of some people’s world view.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


95). Universalism promotes that all things will eventually become one.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


96). Many of the founding fathers of the United States were agnostics.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


97). Society are generally the inhabitants of a particular culture.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


98).  A triune being is when someone that has three consistent components.    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


99). Divinity has to do with the existence of or nature attributed to a god.     

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE 


100). Gnosticism is the pursuit of relationship with God through a higher knowledge    

a).   TRUE      b).  FALSE