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Christian Theology Course


Please print your examination out. Answer the questions and mail it along with your tuition to;

P.O. Box 750491
Dayton, Ohio 45475



TRUE OR FALSE  (Select only one answer)


1). The “new historicity” is an attempt by certain scholars to rewrite history other than the way we have traditionally been taught it.  

qTRUE       qFALSE


2). An attempt by some scholars to “fabalize” the storyline and content of Scripture usually creates more authenticity  

qTRUE       qFALSE


3). The claims made in 1 John as to the reality of Jesus Christ are in effect denying that the appearance of Jesus was vision or a hallucination. 

qTRUE       qFALSE


4). Jesus came and became a man so we could have fellowship with each other as fellow believers in Jesus.

qTRUE       qFALSE


5). We are “Christians” because we meet in a beautiful facility with pews, stained glass windows and Christian iconology all around us.

qTRUE       qFALSE


6). Jesus Christ gives us new life by giving His life up for us.

qTRUE       qFALSE


7). In Revelation 5 the “four living creatures” are the four Gospel accounts of the New Testament.

qTRUE       qFALSE


8). It is good enough to say we believe in God

qTRUE       qFALSE


9). It is very important to believe in “what” Jesus Christ accomplished in His life, His death and His resurrection.

qTRUE       qFALSE


10). Myths do not make martyrs.

qTRUE       qFALSE


11). The Christian faith finds its core theological belief system in the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

qTRUE       qFALSE


12). T

Central Institute of Theological Studies